Student Health and Wellness
Accidents The nurse and qualified school personnel will administer only minimum first aid in case of injury. Parent/guardian will be notified immediately in case of broken bones or internal injury. It is very important for the school to have an emergency contact number on file. In case of emergency, school personnel will call 911, provide first aid and lifesaving measures, and notify the student’s parent/guardian.
Covid-19 and/or Flu Screening Due to how easily covid and the Flu can spread, we encourage parents to check for the following symptoms/risk factors before sending their children to school: Parents are responsible for screening their child using the provided checklist:
1 of the following symptoms *Fever > 100.4F *Sore throat *Cough *Difficult breathing *Diarrhea or Vomiting *New Loss of Taste or Smell
3 or more of the following symptoms *Stuffy Nose *Runny Nose *Muscle/Body aches *Fatigue *Chills *Nausea *Loss of Appetite *Elevated temp but <100.4 F *New onset on severe headache
Any student who is experiencing these symptoms/risk factors should not ride the bus or attend school until they have received the appropriate testing/health care. If a student tests positive for Covid, they must adhere to the following guidelines as well as the “Too Sick for School Rules” before returning to school and/or accessing school bus transportation: 1. No fever in the last 24 hours with no fever-reducing medications 2. Symptoms have improved (e.g. cough, shortness of breath) and 3. It has been 5 days since the child’s Covid symptoms first appeared. Parents are encouraged to contact the school nurse and their local health department for further health guidance concerning a safe return to school.
IMMUNIZATION RECORDS The state law requires that students furnish evidence of required immunizations or a valid exemption prior to enrollment in public schools. No student will be allowed to enroll without receiving the required immunizations or approved medical exemption. Students in the process of receiving the required immunizations may be admitted only if the immunizations are up to date and if a family physician or local health department can provide documentation of the immunizations. For more information on student immunizations please contact the Pittsburg County Health Department @ (918) 423-1267 or your healthcare provider.
MEDICATIONS The school nurse or designee may administer prescription medication to a student with written parental permission AND physician authorization. 1. The parent or designated adult/guardian will deliver the medication to either the principal’s office or the nurse’s office. 2. The medication will be in the current prescription vial/bottle. NOTE: If you need to keep a prescription vial/bottle at home as well, you can contact the pharmacy and they should be able to provide that for you. 3. The parent is responsible for keeping up with resupplying the school with medication in a timely fashion. 4. The parent is responsible for notifying the school of any changes in medication-related matters.
NECESSARY MEDICATIONS 1. Students may retain possession of and self-administer medication at school. This will be a decision made collaboratively between the student, the student’s parents, the student’s healthcare provider, and school leaders. Violators of this rule will be reported to the student’s parents by the principal and may result in discipline. Information for students and their parents about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and reentry programs in this geographic area can be available from the counselor at each student’s school. 2. All other students who have a legitimate health need for over-the-counter or prescription medication at school shall deliver such medications to the school nurse or principal with a parental authorization form, in compliance with Oklahoma law and school policy and procedures regarding administering medicine to students. The nurse or other trained school personnel may administer nonprescription medication with written parental permission.
HEAD LICE In order to limit the spread of head lice, the school nurse and other staff may perform “head checks”. For these efforts to be effective, the following procedures are necessary. 1. All students with any head lice or *viral nits* must be picked up immediately when the school nurse, secretary, or other staff notifies the parent or emergency contact person. 2. After your child has been properly treated, you (or another adult) must bring your child to the school nurse to be checked. Please do not just send your child back to school. If the nurse finds your child to be nit free, your child will be allowed to go to class. If any lice or nits are still in the hair, your child will have to be taken home. Your child will be allowed back in class only after the nurse has checked and he/she is nit free. You may also use the Pittsburg County Health Department or your healthcare provider to perform the re-check and provide a note stating that the child is lice and nit free. 3. Seven to ten days after the initial treatment, parents should re-check the child for head lice and *viable nits*. If the child continues to have lice and /or nits the parent should contact the school nurse, local health department, or their healthcare provider for further guidance. *Viable nits are nits that are not easily removed and are attached to the hair shaft 1/4 inch or closer to the scalp.* For more information on “Head Lice: please visit health2/documents/Head%20Lice.2014.pdf
ILLNESS School children sometimes complain of illness at home and at school. The following criteria(s) are used in making decisions about sending a child to school and sending a child home from school: 1. A child with a temperature, 100.0 or greater is too sick for school. Keep them home until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of anti-fever medications.
2. A child who is vomiting or has diarrhea. Any vomiting is a reason to send a child home or keep a child home. If a child has 3 or more loose bowel movements, even if there are no other signs of illness, your child is too sick for school. Keep them home until vomit and diarrhea-free for 24 hours.
3. A child with a questionable rash. There are different rules for returning to school depending on the cause of the rash. Children with contagious rashes, such as chickenpox and measles, need to be kept home. If your child has a rash and a fever, keep them at home and talk with your healthcare provider.
4. A child with a cough and/or a sore throat. Children with a cough and/or sore throat should be watched closely. If a cough or sore throat becomes worse or the child develops a fever, the child is too sick for school. 5. A child experiencing other health conditions. Children with other communicable conditions such as head lice, ringworm, or scabies may need to be kept home from school. Children may need to see a healthcare provider for treatment.